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What We Are

Safety for Life is an Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Consulting and Software company based in Brisbane. The Safety for Life team maintain a range of qualifications in the field of Occupational Health and Safety, Ergonomics, Risk Management, Auditing, Injury Management and Business Management. Staying up to date on changes in legislation, we are ready…read more

What is Sherm?

Sherm is a web-based application that supports your safety management program. Managing Occupational health and safety obligations, commitments and constraints can be a challenge. Business and regulatory pressures, as well as the sheer volume of data, are driving all kinds of organisations to seek safety software programs to assist with the management of risks, streamlining administration functions…read more

Sherm Modules

Safety Software – Easy to Use and Comprehensive Safety for Life’s flagship safety software offering is Sherm: a comprehensive tracking and reporting system featuring 12 integrated modules. Sherm is a proprietary software platform designed to increase employee safety, engage workers to participate in the management of risk, eliminate compliance paperwork and minimise business risk exposures!…read more

Sherm Benefits

The benefits of using Sherm safety software solution are endless and supported by our client reviews and our recent article on Vital Chemical and how Sherm has saved time and costs! A Snippet of Sherm Google Reviews Cloud Deployment Operational and financial benefits of Cloud computing are key drivers for the adoption of SaaS technology…read more

Request A Demo!

If you would like to see what Sherm has to offer, then simply complete your details in the Contact Us page. You can obtain further information prior to submitting your request by reading detailed information about Sherm Software on our website.

Request A Demo

Module Overview

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Workplace Safety Inspections

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Injury Management

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Legal Register

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OHS Incident Reporting

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Risk and Hazard Management

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Safety Registers

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Safety Reports Management

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Safety Planning

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Human Resource Management

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Safety Training

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Safety Auditing

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OHS Document Management

Our clients

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Sherm Google Reviews

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