July 2014
July 2014
Sherm Update
Hope you have enjoyed a lovely weekend and ready for the week ahead!
Friday evening we uploaded changes to the production site that includes the following for your attention.
Manage Employees > Licences and Certificates
- Implementation of a Licence Type Master
- Implementation of a Certificate Type Master
These Masters are located in People > Human Resources. The Masters have been developed based upon the Licences and Certificates that that you have previously input into your system. A data clean was undertaken so that you did not have multiple same types.
Action: Please review your Licence and Certificate Masters and should you find similar type entries, then make what is not required inactive so that it will not display in the drop down field.
Now when adding in Licence and Certificates for employees you will have a drop down that reflects the data within your Masters.
The Description field is non-mandatory and allows for 100 characters. The same applies for Certificates.
Registers > Contractors > Manage Contractor Employees
Last month we implemented the feature for you to record Licences and Certificates for Contractors Employees. The same implementation features have been applied as per Manage Employee Licences and Certificates in Manage Contractor Employees. That is the when adding licence and certificates, this information will be obtained from the Licence Type and Certificate Type Masters in People > Human Resources.
Reports > Licence and Certificates > Skills Matrix
This new Report enables you to run a report for various Employees and select the Licence and Certificate Types that you require. The Report will sort by Employee Name.
Licences and Certificates
There was a requirement for expired licences and certificates to be input into Sherm so that such records could be maintained. As such, you can keep records of expired Licences and Certificates by putting in dates prior to current date. Given that the notifications apply at 4 weeks, 2 weeks and 2 days prior to the expiry date, then as such post this, the management of and ensuring Licence and Certificates are current are to be run through Reports > Employees > Licences and Certificates.
Manage Employee > Attachments
We have implemented a new Upload Document > *document type – Note
The Note enables you to input free text in the description. This information will display in the Employee Print Report.
Furthermore, Attachments now can be restricted as to whom has access to the Attachments and any ’notes’ that are written.
Action: Review and Edit existing User Roles: People > User Management > Manage User Roles in your system and assign as required who can Manage or View HR – Attachments.
Note: The same rule applies as per Employee Health Information being: The ‘Manage’ role for HR Management’ module must be assigned in order to be able to Manage or View the ‘HR-Attachments’ module.
That is all the improvements this time round. Our next scheduled improvements include the following which :
- Documentation > Safe Work Method Statements
- Manage Employee > Export Data Report and Print with applied Filters. AND an additional 3 User Defined Fields for other type of data you need to record for an employee.
- Site “Private”
Have a great week and if you have any questions on the above improvements, then please get in touch.
Kind Regards
Caroline Kingston