January 2015
January 2015
Sherm Update
Welcome to 2015! Hope you have enjoyed a lovely Christmas and the New Year is shaping up to be a good one both personally and professionally. I’m pretty excited about this coming year and I’m looking forward to what is in stall here at Safety for Life! With that, I bring you news of the improvements that Nimisha has been working on over the festive season for us!
New Improvements
Terms of Use
In the bottom right hand corner of the application is Terms of Use that provides clients with a copy of the current terms and conditions. This has simply been updated to reflect the change undertaken 1 July 2014 whereby trading ceased from Sherm Software Pty Ltd to Safety for Life Pty Ltd ATF CJ Kingston Family Trust ABN 98 861 243 187, refer to 1. Definitions & Interpretations, “Supplier”.
Inspection Master Management
Some simple beautifying of the page layout so we can see the Inspection Type description in full only.
Registers > Contractor
For Contractors listed in the Contractor Register whereby you have uploaded the insurances certificates and input the date of expiration of insurance certificates, an email notification is provided to the registered Email address for that Contractor. A notification is set to the registered Email at 14 days prior to expiration to the contractor and also to the System Administrator.
The email notification to the Contractor was missing the name of the expired insurance so this has been updated.
If the Insurances are not updated within the application by the Expiry Date, then Sherm will send the System Admin and the Contractor and email weekly to remind of the expired insurances.
Remember you can run a Report > Contractor Register and should any Contractor display in Red this indicates in the Report that one or more insurances are expired.
Reports > Users
This Report has been updated to show the registered email address of each of the Users within your subscription. You can now search by email address to find the relevant User. The Report also shows the User Role that you have assigned so at times you may consider undertaking a review of your employees to ensure that the User Role assigned is still appropriate for their access requirements.
Reports > Skill Matrix
The Skills Matrix Report now includes Site and Department Filters. This Report is most helpful if you have a team of people for which you may be assigning to a Project or you have to provide information to a client should workers be going to work on your clients site.
The Skills Matrix Report when Printed also includes the Description that may have been recorded when inputting Licence or Certificate.
Licences and Certificates
In People > Human Resource > Manage Employee when inputting the Licence and Certificate information, you could not Edit the Issue Date for Licences and Certificates. This feature is now available!
Risk Module
For Issue, Hazard and Incident Management, the System Administrator can now delete these.
I’ve just noticed during testing this morning that Manage Risk Hazards Delete Button is available to all employees, so a bit of an error there for you to be aware of until I can get this fixed, which will likely to be today. So be warned and I’ll advise when this has been corrected.
Reports > Injury Reports > Days Lost
The Days Lost Report will pull information from Manage Risk > Injury Management.
The Injury Management module is where Injuries from Incidents are recorded whereby when you check that that injury requires a Rehabilitation / Injury Management Plan. The current functionality is:
- Incident Reported
- Injury Recorded in Injury Register whereby you indicate that Workers Compensation is required for Injury AND Rehabilitation Plan/Injury Management Plan required.
- THEN in Manage Risk > Injury Register you maintain details of the Claim.
- I am currently reviewing the process as at times, you may have a claim for compensation whereby you don’t necessarily require a rehabilitation plan, but need to manage Claim Details.
SO for now, for all injuries whereby there is a Claim for Compensation please check the box for Rehabilitation Plan/Injury Management Plan.
Planning > Meetings
Email notification will now display the date of the meeting, not the date of when the notification was provided and now displays the location of the meeting.
What’s Next on the Schedule?
- Reminder for Meetings to Attendees to include the time.
- Resolve issues with Daylight Savings time properly displaying in Calendars
- Corrective Actions Management in Manage Risk Module does will display the attached documents for the Assigner to Review prior to Approving or Rejecting Corrective Actions.
- Include Employment Type Filter in Manage Employees
- The Technical Request Details Entry Box sometimes throws an Error in some browsers. The Tech Support Ticket is still received our end, but we will work to resolve this.
- Manage Employee > Medical Information notification
- CAT Scheduling and Appear for CAT Button to display on correct date testing.
- Licence and Certificate Notification to display Date of Expiration
- Print Reports Save Button fix
- When Publishing New Resource in Documentation Module you cannot insert a link with https:// which we will fix.
- Incident Management sort filter for user to sort numerically
Righto that is all from me for now.
Enjoy the coming week and wishing you all the best for a super duper 2015
Thanks again to everyone for their input into Sherm improvements.
Any issues, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Kind Regards
Caroline Kingston