Stay on Top of Excessive Costs from Injuries
When return to work programs are not efficiently managed, organisations feel the impact from higher premiums and possible litigation. Knowing what to do and how best to manage workplace injuries is pertinent.
Having Workers Compensation Insurance is a must when you employ workers.
So too is having a known and embedded injury management and return to work program instilled in your workforce. Defining what suitable duties the organisation can offer at any point of time is what can save you from having injured workers completely unfit as compared to fit for suitable duties.
Sherm’s Injury Management Module can:
- Manage the injuries that are reported from within the Incident Management Register
- Easily search the name of the injured person through filters
- Add Injuries into the Injury Register and also manage non-work related injuries
- Record multiple medical practitioners and health professionals
- Add multiple medical certificates including recording the next appointment
- Monitor expiration dates of medical certificates
- Manage Case Notes that will record date and time of entry
- Develop multiple Rehabilitation Plans and easily print them off for signing by relevant persons
- Record WorkCover information including claim details, duration of claim, date closed and indicate whether or not claim may go to Common Law
- Record number of days lost that will link to Safety Performance targets for LTIFR