December 2018
Today is 7 years that Sherm first hit the market and here I am in quiet contemplation of the journey that I have travelled. I feel quite humble knowing that I have such wonderful support from you and I truly value the feedback provided for Sherm Improvements. Furthermore, I am very grateful for the recommendations and referrals. Thank you! During the last 7 years I can honestly say I have established some lifetime friendships, shared many laughs, a few drinks with some of you, and with some people… way too many!!. So again, “Thank You” to each and every one of you. Here’s Cheers to Sherm continuously improving and a big Cheers you and your companies for believing in me, my product and services.
Now… back to business 😊
Please review the following, update accordingly and communicate relevant information to your staff.
Bug fixes
Meeting Attendance
- Issue was that when a User clicked on the Print button within the meeting all persons, including those who did not attend meeting were displaying in the print report. This has been updated to show only those who Attended the meeting.
Chemical Register
- Class 1.1 for Explosives has been added for our Drilling and Blasting Boys in CQ
Site Master
- Site Administrator: to enable additional privileges for companies that have multiple sites and the sites are private, please ensure this is updated to a person who has not been assigned as Admin or Secondary Admins at the Vendor Panel.
- Person to be Notified: please ensure that within the Site Master that the person who is to be notified of when Contractor Insurance and their employee licences and certificates have expired is completed. Notification is send to the contactor with the email address of the Person to be Notified so they can send updated copies of insurances and other relevant information.
Sherm Admin and Secondary Admins
- The Admin and Secondary Admins are those persons who are listed at the Vendor Admin Panel, managed by Safety for Life. If you need these updated at any time, then please send through a request.
Manage Training
- Included Time in Manage Training listing page for Start Date and End Date for external training only. We did not include a time for internal training as usually this is set for over a period of time and it was not appropriate for the full duration of the time to be set in to the users / participants calendar.
Contractor Register
- Site Filter has been added so this will assist sites with multiple sites users and also with Site Private only those Contractors that are recorded against your site will display.
- The Site Administrator in People > Human Resources > Site Master is the person assigned as the responsible person for ensuring that insurances and the L&C of Contractor workers that are listed in Contractor / Supplier > Manage Employee. Refer Site Master second dot point.
Reports > Contractor / Supplier
- Contractors can be classified as “Approved Provider”, “Supplier Only” and “Do Not Use” from the Manage Contractor / Supplier page under the Contractor / Supplier Status. The issue raised was in Reports > Contractors / Supplier the listing displays insurances that are out of date for those Contractors / Suppliers who are in the status of “Do Not Use”.
Solution: Only those Contractors / Suppliers that are either an Approved Provider” or “Supplier Only” will display within the Reports > Contractor/Supplier including their associated Employees Licences and Certificates.
Meeting Schedule
- Post the last update to integrate with Office 365 there was still an issue with the time not being reflected within the email notification to the participant for the meeting.
Solution: We have removed the meeting time from within the email as the calendar invite will be populated into the participants calendar. This has been tested and seems to be working fine.
Mobile App – Remember Me
- Update has been completed on the mobile app to ensure that username is remembered as this was not happening on some devices.
- We cannot save ‘passwords’ within the app, however there are option on mobile phones to have the password saved and there is the option to lookup passwords. This is the best solution as when we have multiple people logging into a shared device, it can have an impact on security of logged in user.
Reports > Monthly Data Analysis
- For multi sites, we had the issue that the Incident Management Summary was showing all site data and not that of the site selected. Thank you BJI!
What’s Up Next
Incident Management
- We are close to having finished linking the Equipment Tab from within Incident Management so that you can pull data from there rather than having to look up the details. It will include also the last inspection date (if available) and either or the user can modify this date as it the equipment may have been part of a pre-start check. Should be ready by end of week! – Vital
- Chemical Register Report for Risk Assessment that enables the user to run a report on expired risk assessments – Vital
- Investigation Notification Dashboard Message to be hyperlinked – Foxy
- Export Employees to Excel to include any additional Defined Field that you have included e.g. Q-Fever Reg No., Student ID, Passport etc.. – Foxy
- Ability to make certain incidents private due to confidential nature of report – Lyndons
- Assign notification rights specifically for the management of Plant and Chemicals – Vital
Thanks again to everyone for your feedback and ongoing support!
Very much appreciated.
Kindest Regards
Caroline Kingston
Director / Principal Consultant